
“Ilya Komov: L’esprit russe a Ceret”,  Stepane Galant,  “L’independent” , France, 30.12.2018.

Ilya Komov: I love Paris, But Pre­fer Tutaev, by Kse­nia Vorotynt­se­va, “Cul­ture” news­pa­per, Jan­u­ary 20–26, 2017

Ilya Komov: Je peins en russe avec un fort accent fran­cais”, by Vale­ria Tretyako­va, “Russie Info” mag­a­zine, May, 21, 2016

Ilya Komov- Glav­naya Role, TV-show by Julian Makarov, “Cul­ture” chan­nel, April, 15, 2015

Drama­tis per­son­ae” by Vladislav Boret­skiy, Cul­tra­dio Radio, April, 6, 2015

Actor-mod­els of Ilya Komov’s show “Duel”dis­cuss the exhi­bi­tion, by Alexan­dra Zagri­azh­skaya, Art-Reliz mag­a­zine, June 17, 2015

Sim­ple and Com­plex in Art of Ilya Komov, by Alexan­der Yaki­movich, “Sobranie” (“Col­lec­tion”) mag­a­zine, № 3, 2014

Arles et les Arlesiens se font tir­er le por­trait, by Denis Dupont, “L’Inependant” news­pa­per, Novem­ber, 17, 2013, France

Les mys­teres de Paris d’Ilya Komov, by Natalia Medvede­va, “Per­spes­tive” mag­a­zine, France, March, 2012

Drama­tis per­son­ae” by Vladislav Boret­skiy, Cul­tra­dio Radio, Novem­ber, 23, 2010

Zhivu kak v horoshem avtorskom kino by Iri­na Samin­skaya, Kult­po­hod mag­a­zine, №2, 2009

Russ­ian Por­trait of India Muse­um of Ori­en­tal Art show cat­a­log by Lubov Evdoki­mo­va , 2006

India with­out ele­phants, by Iri­na Samin­skaya, Kult­po­hod mag­a­zine, June, 2006

Russ­ian por­trait and land­scape, show cat­a­log by Lubov Evdoki­mo­va 2003

Per­sons and land­scapes, by Alla Mikhailo­va, “Nashe nasledie”, (“Our Her­itage”) mag­a­zine, 1998

Paint­ings of Ilya Komov, by Valenti­na Azarkovitch, “Yunost” (“Youth”) mag­a­zine, 1994