Илья Комов


1989, BFA, MFA Surikov State Acad­e­my of Fine Arts, Moscow, USSR


Select­ed Solo Shows

2018–19,  Mediatheque de Ceret, France,  Esprit Russe a Ceret”

2017, Cen­tral House of Artists, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, Per­son­al Space

2016, Res­i­dence of the Euro­pean Union Ambas­sador to Rus­sia, Moscow, Right to Light

2015–16, Russ­ian Acad­e­my of Arts, Moscow  Ilya Komov: My way

2015, State Alexan­dre Pushkin Muse­um, Moscow, Rus­sia Duel

2015, Capel­let­ta Gallery, Ceret, France   Face of Cat­alo­nia

2014, Novin­skiy Gallery, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion,  Ilya Komov : recent works

2013, State Alexan­dre Pushkin Muse­um, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion Shape-Space-Col­or

2011, I‑Gallery, Mont­martre, Paris, France Ilya Komov: Recent Paint­ings

2011, The State Muse­um of musi­cal cul­ture, named after Glin­ka, Moscow, Rus­sia  Images of Music

2011, Frame­less­gallery, Lon­don, Unit­ed King­dom, The Inner light

2011, Petite gal­lerie, rue de Seine, Paris, France, The great in the Small

2010, Vin­cent Art­gallery, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, Recent Paint­ings

2010, Union’s of Painters Gallery, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, Ray of Light

2010,  Eti­enne de Cau­sans Gallery, rue de Seine, Paris, France, Voice of Light

2009 , Inter­na­tion­al of Artist’s Unions and Art-Agency gallery, Cen­tral House of Artists, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, Life as Mir­a­cle

2008, Vin­cent Art Gallery, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, Choir

2007, Vin­cent Art Gallery, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, Going over three seas

2007, Res­i­dence of the Great Duchy of Lux­em­bourg Ambas­sador to Rus­sia, Moscow Soirees Russ­es

2006 State Muse­um of Ori­en­tal Art, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion , Russ­ian Por­trait of India

2005, India Inter­na­tion­al Cen­ter, New Del­hi, India, Russ­ian Por­trait of India

2005, World Bank Gallery, World Health Orga­ni­za­tion, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion Moth­er and Child

2003, Cen­tral House of Artists, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, Russ­ian por­trait and Land­scape

2002, Russ­ian Acad­e­my of Arts, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, recent works

2002, Res­i­dence of Fin­land Ambas­sador to Rus­sia, Moscow,  Russ­ian Por­trait

2001, World Health Orga­ni­za­tion in Rus­sia, Moscow, Heal­ing Peo­ple

2001, Moscow House of Sculp­tor, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, Dilem­ma

2000, UNO Infor­ma­tion Cen­tre Gallery, Recent Paint­ings

1999, Russ­ian Acad­e­my of Arts, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, Russ­ian Por­trait

1998, “Our Her­itage” Mag­a­zine Gallery, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, Recent Paint­ings

1997 Aca­d­e­m­ic Gallery, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, Recent Paint­ings

1997 State His­tor­i­cal and art muse­um, Ser­pukhov, Rus­sia, Recent Paint­ings

1994 Russ­ian Cul­tur­al Cen­tre, Helsin­ki, Fin­land, Recent Paint­ings

Two Per­sons Shows with Olga M. Komo­va

2018, Mairie of Arles sur Tech, France, Vie sur les murs,

2015, Chistye Prudy Gallery, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, 1 + 1 = 1

2014, Crypt Abbey Saint-Marie, Arles sur Tech, France, Recent Paint­ings

2014, Les Toiles du Soleil shop’s gallery, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, Recent Paint­ings

2013, Moulin des Arts gallery, Arles sur Tech, France, Recent Paint­ings

2012, Moulin des Arts gallery, Arles sur Tech, France, Recent Paint­ings

2011, Les Ore­ades gallery, Cen­tral House of Artists, Moscow, Rus­sia, Romanov, Volga’s town

2011, Ferme des Jeux gallery, Vaux-le-Penil, France, Recent Paint­ings

Select­ed Group Shows

2017 Les Ore­ades Gallery, Moscow, Rus­sia

Art-Stu­dio Gallery, Vien­na, Aus­tria

2016 Les Ore­ades Gallery, Moscow, Rus­sia Leave Me in Ore­ades

2011, Car­rousel du Lou­vre, Paris, France, Nation­al Soci­ety of Fine Arts, 150th Anniver­sairy Salon of Fine Arts

2003, State His­tor­i­cal And Art Muse­um , Pereslavl Zalesskiy, Russ­ian

1995, Kuznet­skiy Most Exhi­bi­tion Hall, Moscow, Rus­sia Museum’s space

1993, Cen­tral House of Artists, Moscow, Rus­sia, Con­tract № 13

1996–2016, Cen­tral House of Artists, Moscow, Rus­sia, Art-Wednes­days Club

1986–2016, Cen­tral House of Artists, Moscow, Moscow, Rus­sia


Russ­ian Acad­e­my of Arts, N.A.A., since 2013

Union of Artists of Rus­sia, since 1991

Union of Artists of Moscow, since 1991

Cre­ative Union of Artists, since 2009.


2015, Medal, Moscow Union of Artists

2011, Gold­en Medal, Cre­ative Union of Rus­sia

2008, Sil­ver Medal of the Cre­ative Union of Rus­sia

2007, Sil­ver Medal, Russ­ian Acad­e­my of Arts

1999, Hon­orary Diplo­ma, Russ­ian Acad­e­my of Arts

1997, Grand Prix, Moscow Artist’s Union

1993, Best of Show, Gold­en Brush Com­pe­ti­tion


2012,2014, 2015,2018 Arles Sur Tech, France,

2009, Cite Des Arts, Paris, France

1984–1994, Kar­dovskiy, Pereslavl Zalesskiy, Rus­sia


Pushkin Muse­um, Moscow, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion

State Muse­um of Musi­cal Cul­ture, Moscow, Rus­sia

State His­tor­i­cal and Art Muse­um, Pereslavl Zalesskiy, Rus­sia

UN Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al Kofi Annan

Sonia Gand­hi, Chair­man of the Indi­an Nation­al Con­gress Par­ty

Mauno Koivis­to, Pres­i­dent of Fin­land

Bib­li­og­ra­phy and pub­li­ca­tions

“Ilya Komov: L’esprit russe a Ceret”,  Stepane Galant,  “L’independent” , France, 30.12.2018

Ilya Komov: I love Paris, But Pre­fer Tutaev, by Kse­nia Vorotynt­se­va, “Cul­ture” news­pa­per, Jan­u­ary 20–26, 2017

Ilya Komov: Je peins en russe avec un fort accent fran­cais”, by Vale­ria Tretyako­va, “Russie Info” mag­a­zine, May, 21, 2016

Ilya Komov- Glav­naya Role, TV-show by Julian Makarov, “Cul­ture” chan­nel, April, 15, 2015

Drama­tis per­son­ae” by Vladislav Boret­skiy, Cul­tra­dio Radio, April, 6, 2015

Actor-mod­els of Ilya Komov’s show “Duel”dis­cuss the exhi­bi­tion, by Alexan­dra Zagri­azh­skaya, Art-Reliz mag­a­zine, June 17, 2015

Sim­ple and Com­plex in Art of Ilya Komov, by Alexan­der Yaki­movich, “Sobranie” (“Col­lec­tion”) mag­a­zine, № 3, 2014

Arles et les Arlesiens se font tir­er le por­trait, by Denis Dupont, “L’Inependant” news­pa­per, Novem­ber, 17, 2013, France

Les mys­teres de Paris d’Ilya Komov, by Natalia Medvede­va, “Per­spes­tive” mag­a­zine, France, March, 2012

Drama­tis per­son­ae” by Vladislav Boret­skiy, Cul­tra­dio Radio, Novem­ber, 23, 2010

Zhivu kak v horoshem avtorskom kino by Iri­na Samin­skaya, Kult­po­hod mag­a­zine, №2, 2009

Russ­ian Por­trait of India Muse­um of Ori­en­tal Art show cat­a­log by Lubov Evdoki­mo­va , 2006

India with­out ele­phants, by Iri­na Samin­skaya, Kult­po­hod mag­a­zine, June, 2006

Russ­ian por­trait and land­scape, show cat­a­log by Lubov Evdoki­mo­va 2003

Per­sons and land­scapes, by Alla Mikhailo­va, “Nashe nasledie”, (“Our Her­itage”) mag­a­zine, 1998

Paint­ings of Ilya Komov, by Valenti­na Azarkovitch, “Yunost” (“Youth”) mag­a­zine, 1994